Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Stupid stupid company

Air Fuel Synthesis has created fuel out of water. Their process is harnessing the carbon dioxide in water and turning it into fuel.


Another startup in Princeton University called Liquid Light also made a similar breakthrough.


While i applaud their efforts to convert CO2 into fuel, and their quest for sustainable energy, i condemn their business stupidity. They are operating in the notion that this world is fair and the best innovators win and live like Tony Stark. ( i guess that is how every professor thinks of this world, it is either black or white; a or b)

Sorry to burst your bubbles, but this world is NOT fair, when you announce to the world that you are capable of producing fuel out of water, with your business still at its infancy, what do you think major oil companies like Rotal Ducth Shell or Exxon Mobil will do to u? they will likely choke off your funding and destroy u.

within the next two years, when your project delivers fuel at pump price or below pump price, it will adversely affect the major oil companies. Remember that their profit and their investment decision depends on the price of crude oil. You are now trying to kill off their business. Of course they will try to take you out first!

Gosh, you guys should have waited until you are ready for commercial use before announcing it to the world. Have you not learned from Apple? Only launch a product that you are ready to ship in the next 1-2 weeks. Dont be like Microsoft or RIM! Announce a new product that needs 2-3 months to ship.

Facebook Revenue Jumps, this is the power of Analysis


Remember when i put up a posting saying that the selling down of Facebook shares are being overly done? Remember my argument saying that they will be able to penetrate the mobile market more effectively? Guess they have done it.

There are still a few more points that they should implement to ensure their growth is sustained but they are now growing at a very respectable rate. And if they implement my strategies, they WILL increase their profit by at least three fold.

As for stocks, with an eye on the US election and the Malaysian election, this month and the next would be at best muted, no stock purchase at the moment.

Yes, i know some people say that it is unwise to hold so much cash, it is painful to hold cash and let inflation eat into that pile, but it is even more painful to make a mistake and dumping your cash into an unprofitable investment venture.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Seawater into jet fuel?

Just read an interesting article today. Apparently the US NAVY Scientists have found a way to convert seawater into jet fuel.

Start of article:

For centuries navies used a renewable energy form as a means of propulsion — the wind. Now the U.S. Navy is investigating another potentially limitless fuel source to produce JP-5 jet fuel — seawater.
Source: U.S. Navy
U.S. Sailors standing on deck of a ship.

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is developing the chemistry for producing jet fuel from renewable resources in theatre. The process envisioned would catalytically convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen directly to liquid hydrocarbon fuel used as JP-5.
And how exactly would this alchemic sleight of hand be performed?
By extracting CO2 to produce H2 gas from seawater and subsequently catalytically converting it into jet fuel by a gas-to-liquids process.
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NRL research chemist Dr. Heather Willauer said, "The potential payoff is the ability to produce JP-5 fuel stock at sea reducing the logistics tail on fuel delivery with no environmental burden and increasing the Navy's energy security and independence. The reduction and hydrogenation of CO2 to form hydrocarbons is accomplished using a catalyst that is similar to those used for Fischer-Tropsch reduction and hydrogenation of carbon monoxide. By modifying the surface composition of iron catalysts in fixed-bed reactors, NRL has successfully improved CO2 conversion efficiencies up to 60 percent. With such a process, the Navy could avoid the uncertainties inherent in procuring fuel from foreign sources and/or maintaining long supply lines."
Note the comment “at sea.” The process would eliminate the time-consuming and risky process of refueling at sea, theoretically allowing each of the U.S. Navy’s 10 operational Nimitz-class carriers to produce their aircrafts’ fuel while underway.

The NRL has now successfully developed and demonstrated technologies for the recovery of CO2 and the production of H2 from seawater using an electrochemical acidification cell, and the subsequent conversion of CO2 and H2 to organic hydrocarbons that can be used to produce jet fuel.
The project, if successful, would add to the Navy’s desire for a self-sustaining carrier task force. Nimitz-class carriers are already independent of the fuel chain logistic because of their nuclear capacity — such a development would subsequently free them from the need to replenish their aircrafts’ fuel reserves as well, leaving them needing only to restock food and ammunition supplies, allowing them greater operational autonomy.
So, how far forward is this process?
In the past three years the NRL has made significant advances developing carbon capture technologies in the laboratory, having begun by utilizing a standard commercially available chlorine dioxide cell and an electro-deionization cell were modified to function as electrochemical acidification cells, whereby both “dissolved and bound CO2 were recovered from seawater by re-equilibrating carbonate and bicarbonate to CO2 gas at a seawater pH below 6. In addition to CO2, the cells produced H2 at the cathode as a by-product.”
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Again, according to the NRL website, “NRL has developed a two-step process in the laboratory to convert the CO2 and H2 gathered from the seawater to liquid hydrocarbons. In the first step, an iron-based catalyst has been developed that can achieve CO2 conversion levels up to 60 percent and decrease unwanted methane production from 97 percent to 25 percent in favor of longer-chain unsaturated hydrocarbons (olefins). In the second step these olefins can be oligomerized (a chemical process that converts monomers, molecules of low molecular weight, to a compound of higher molecular weight by a finite degree of polymerization) into a liquid containing hydrocarbon molecules in the carbon C9-C16 range, suitable for conversion to jet fuel by a nickel-supported catalyst reaction.”
The principle has been proven — can it be ramped up to provide JP-5 for task forces at sea, spread around the globe?
The NRL website is silent on the possibility of full-scale production. Most 102,000-ton Nimitz-class carriers, the largest warships ever built, mount aerial forces of 50 TACAIR air wing of up to 82 aircraft, a usual mix of: 12 F/A-18E/F Hornets, 36 F/A-18 Hornets, four E-2C Hawkeyes, four EA-6B Prowlers fixed-wing a brace of four SH-60F and two HH-60H Seahawk helicopters.
But it is one thing to prove a fuel conversion technology, another to implement it. Will Neptune permit the U.S. Navy to mine the liquid gold of his realm? Watch this space. This might be the biggest naval propulsion revolution since Britain’s Royal Navy reluctantly abandoned sail.
This story originally appeared on Oilprice.com. Click here to read the original story.

Best place i want to go

Apologies as i have not posted for many weeks, but the market is trending as expected. My prediction is that in the next 2 months the market will react the same. End of December most likely you will be able to buy stocks that you want by at least 20% discount at the current prices.

Since there is nothing financial to blog about, i want to show you a country where i love the scenery but hate the government, i love the women but hate the men

You gotta love the scenery, makes you feel like you are in some post card thingy eh

but i really hate the men there, they are narcissistic chauvinistic spoilt little twats. Below are photos taken where the guy just sits there and reads the paper while his wife goes around peddling dvds.