Air Fuel Synthesis has created fuel out of water. Their process is harnessing the carbon dioxide in water and turning it into fuel.
Another startup in Princeton University called Liquid Light also made a similar breakthrough.
While i applaud their efforts to convert CO2 into fuel, and their quest for sustainable energy, i condemn their business stupidity. They are operating in the notion that this world is fair and the best innovators win and live like Tony Stark. ( i guess that is how every professor thinks of this world, it is either black or white; a or b)
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but this world is NOT fair, when you announce to the world that you are capable of producing fuel out of water, with your business still at its infancy, what do you think major oil companies like Rotal Ducth Shell or Exxon Mobil will do to u? they will likely choke off your funding and destroy u.
within the next two years, when your project delivers fuel at pump price or below pump price, it will adversely affect the major oil companies. Remember that their profit and their investment decision depends on the price of crude oil. You are now trying to kill off their business. Of course they will try to take you out first!
Gosh, you guys should have waited until you are ready for commercial use before announcing it to the world. Have you not learned from Apple? Only launch a product that you are ready to ship in the next 1-2 weeks. Dont be like Microsoft or RIM! Announce a new product that needs 2-3 months to ship.
Another startup in Princeton University called Liquid Light also made a similar breakthrough.
While i applaud their efforts to convert CO2 into fuel, and their quest for sustainable energy, i condemn their business stupidity. They are operating in the notion that this world is fair and the best innovators win and live like Tony Stark. ( i guess that is how every professor thinks of this world, it is either black or white; a or b)
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but this world is NOT fair, when you announce to the world that you are capable of producing fuel out of water, with your business still at its infancy, what do you think major oil companies like Rotal Ducth Shell or Exxon Mobil will do to u? they will likely choke off your funding and destroy u.
within the next two years, when your project delivers fuel at pump price or below pump price, it will adversely affect the major oil companies. Remember that their profit and their investment decision depends on the price of crude oil. You are now trying to kill off their business. Of course they will try to take you out first!
Gosh, you guys should have waited until you are ready for commercial use before announcing it to the world. Have you not learned from Apple? Only launch a product that you are ready to ship in the next 1-2 weeks. Dont be like Microsoft or RIM! Announce a new product that needs 2-3 months to ship.